“…and there shall be pestilences…” (Matthew 24:7)
Via NaturalNews.com
The age of antibiotics is over. It’s history. There are no more patented chemical antibiotics in the pipeline. The drug companies have all but abandoned antibiotics research, leaving humanity to suffer the fate of a wave of drug-resistant bacteria — superbugs — that the drug companies actually helped create.
The industry is down to one last-ditch chemical: colistin, a toxic bug-killing chemical discovered in 1949. It kills superbugs, but it also causes kidney damage. So if you’re infected with a superbug in a hospital, you can choose to either die from an infection, or die from the cure.
…There’s a lot of that going on in medicine these days, it seems…
Nearly all antibiotics are now obsolete
In the last 34 years, Big Pharma has only come up with two new classes of antibiotics. Both are now obsolete. And the drug companies are walking away from the research needed to produce new antibiotics even as they run television ads claiming they “put patients first.”
“Last year, Pfizer, the world’s biggest drug company, closed its Connecticut antibiotics research center, laying off 1,200 workers,” reports the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/nih-superbug-ou…). “The company said it was moving the operation to Shanghai. …Pfizer is struggling to open the Chinese facility and has largely abandoned antibiotics.”
It turns out that drugs for erectile dysfunction, baldness or cholesterol are ten times more profitable than antibiotics. So while a wave of drug-resistant bacteria burns through our hospitals, killing patients by the tens of thousands, Big Pharma is far more interested in making sure some middle-aged guy on statin drugs can still get an erection. There are more profits to be had, after all, in giving people boners rather than cures.
99,000 Americans a year killed by superbugs, says CDC
Meanwhile, superbugs are killing Americans at a rate that rivals wartime casualties. A decade ago, the CDC estimated that superbugs infected 1.7 million Americans and killed 99,000 Americans each year (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/nih-superbug-ou…).
That’s about twice the number of Americans killed in the entire Vietnam War, by the way. And those numbers are a decade old. By many accounts, the superbug problem is far worse now than it was ten years ago. For example, superbug infections among newborns have risen over 300% in a similar timeframe (http://www.naturalnews.com/026587_infections_infection_superbug.html).
Why are infections getting worse? Because over the last decade, superbugs have evolved. Nature has found resistance to nearly every known antibiotic on the market: Tetracyclines, Fluoroquinolones, Cephalosporins, Sulfonamides and more.
Just how bad is the situation? Even Dr. Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization, couldn’t deny the reality of the situation. “Things as common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee could once again kill,” she said in a recent keynote address (http://www.who.int/dg/speeches/2012/amr_20120314/en/index.html). “Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We are losing our first-line antimicrobials… For patients infected with some drug-resistant pathogens, mortality has been shown to increase by around 50%,” she said.
Chan also warned about the severity of the problem:
Many other pathogens are developing resistance to multiple drugs, some to nearly all. Hospitals have become hotbeds for highly-resistant pathogens, like MRSA, ESBL, and CPE, increasing the risk that hospitalization kills instead of cures. These are end-of-the-road pathogens that are resistant to last-line antimicrobials.
If current trends continue unabated, the future is easy to predict. Some experts say we are moving back to the pre-antibiotic era. No. This will be a post-antibiotic era. In terms of new replacement antibiotics, the pipeline is virtually dry, especially for gram-negative bacteria. The cupboard is nearly bare.
Prospects for turning this situation around look dim. A post-antibiotic era means, in effect, an end to modern medicine as we know it.
The end of modern medicine is also the failure of modern medicine
Let’s face it: Modern medicine has failed humanity. While promising cures, the drug industry only delivers skyrocketing rates of superbug infections, chemical intoxication and autism. Chemotherapy causes permanent brain damage. Vaccines cause permanent kidney damage and spontaneous abortions. Painkillers have created a new generation of prescription drug junkies while antibiotics breed deadly microbes that threaten us all.
Every time the drug industry claims to have solved one problem it creates two more.
Rather than the industry being guided by improved patient outcomes, it is wholly guided by the endless quest for corporate profits. This has led to an abandonment of real science and real medicine. Today, Big Pharma and the vaccine industry are steeped in quack science and criminal profiteering.
Even the head of the World Health Organization can see the writing on the wall. Anyone who thinks the pharmaceutical industry will provide the world with any real cures is living a delusional fantasy.
So what’s left after the drug industry has ravaged the world’s citizens, damaged their immune systems with vaccine adjuvants and infected the people with drug-resistant superbugs? A billion victims of an industry that has failed at every level: Economically, socially, ethically and spiritually.
Big Pharma is, essentially, the Big Failure of our time. It is notable only in the epic scale of how many lives it has destroyed on our planet.
Real solutions to superbugs
That it requires Big Pharma billions of dollars to develop new antibiotics is a cruel joke about the stupidity of “medical science.” Why? Because Mother Nature produces an abundance of chemicals that defeat superbugs, but the drug industry won’t embrace them because those chemicals can’t be patented (and therefore monopolized).
Garlic, for example, kills all known superbugs. So does colloidal silver. So do an endless list of medicinal herbs, plants, fungi and even molds. Manuka honey kills infectious bacteria, by the way.
Heck, just using copper surfaces in hospitals has been scientifically shown to halt 97% of superbug infections (http://www.naturalnews.com/033398_superbugs_copper.html).
Cures for superbugs are all around us in nature, but they aren’t allowed to be used in hospitals because hospitals are really the cult temples of western medicine. There, the “high priest” doctors worship the pharmaceutical gods — Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca — while making sure their patients have no information about probiotics, sunlight, vitamin D or plant-based nutritional therapies.
Patients perish from a lack of knowledge, of course, because beating superbugs is laughably easy. You can even do it with something as simple as vitamin B3, which has suddenly emerged in the news as a cure for superbug infections:
Similarly, I’ve never seen a superbug that can survive the presence of Oregano Extract, for that matter.
Thanks for the suggestions of natural cures found in nature. Garlic has always been a big help to me. It helps to prevent infections as well as helps to heal. Onion and cabbage are good to help prevent and even heal and it’s good to drink the water it’s cooked in, adding lemon. Dark green vegetables are excellent. too.
A great informative article. Yes BIG PHARMA was obviously deliberately CREATED to get rid of the world’s population, by poisoning the majority of people with DRUGS and Anti-biotics; which are mostly very questionable as to whether they really help.
Remember the aim of the Power Elite is to reduce the world’s population to just 500,000,000. If only more people would have the sense to listen to the TRUTH about MEDICINES so-called and seriously endeavour to find natural alternatives and cures.
In the USA not only are so many people being poisoned and killed by defective drugs and resultant super-resistant super-bugs, but they have to pay very high prices for the drugs and anti-biotics, thus making the people poor, at the very time, when the government should sympathize, and really help the patients with the cost, if anything!
LIVE NATURALLY, EAT NATURALLY & get GOOD EXERCISE. That is what we all need. NOT Anti-biotics and questionable drugs, of course, whenever expedient!