
Global cooling, not warming, is Earth’s coming threat

The war between former Vice President Al Gore and his critics over global warming is about to hit the boiling point with a new claim that Sun-influenced climate change is shifting into reverse, with the Earth poised to head into a period of cooling that will end the rise of the oceans.

A global warming critic on Monday announced plans to release new data showing that the threat of rising global sea levels has peaked and that the Sun is entering a “hibernation” period that could bring colder weather.

“Like most major climate events, the past sea level rise was caused by the Sun and had little or nothing to do with mankind’s industrial greenhouse gas emissions,” said John Casey, a former White House and NASA advisor and climate author. “Now that the Sun has entered a state of ‘solar hibernation’ and is cutting back on the energy by which it warms the Earth, a new and potentially dangerous decades-long drop in global temperatures has begun,” he warned.

Casey is the president of the Space and Science Research Corporation and author “Cold Sun,” which predicts the coming cooling period. Because his predictions go against the mainstream, he has been ridiculed by supporters of global warming. Media Matters called him a “scam artist.”

Gore and other global warming proponents believe that pollution from carbon dioxide is causing climate change. Others like Casey believe that the Earth’s weather is simply going through a cyclical period of warmth. President Obama sides with Gore.

Casey said that he will unveil his information in three weeks in Miami, a city global warming proponents have warned will be under water due to the melting polar ice cap.

In a statement, Casey said:

“One of the myths of manmade climate change caused by human CO2 emissions has been the threat to the world’s largest cities caused by global sea level rise. Two years ago we issued a preliminary finding that within two or three years the data to make a final assessment on the future of global sea level rise would be available. That data is in. It is time to provide a formal statement on the end of global sea level rise, the latest phase of which began roughly two hundred years ago.

“Like most major climate events, the past sea level rise was caused by the Sun and had little or nothing to do with mankind’s industrial greenhouse gas emissions. Now that the Sun has entered a state of ‘solar hibernation’ and is cutting back on the energy by which it warms the Earth, a new and potentially dangerous decades-long drop in global temperatures has begun. The atmosphere and the oceans are cooling rapidly. Along with this next climate change to one of extreme global cooling, the oceans will contract, and sea levels will begin to drop as they always do during extended cold climates.”

He has scheduled his news conference in Miami for August 21.

In the meantime, CFACT, an oranization founded to promote a positive voice on environment and development issues, is using the words of one of its opponents in the war to expose the real agenda behind the men made climate change propaganda.

In a moment of refreshing candor, the co-chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group III told the truth about the global warming scare.  The real point, according to Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer, is to ?redistribute the world?s wealth.?

What he said is no surprise to those of us who have been paying close attention to climate science and policy.

The surprise is not what he said, but that he said it at all.

This same Dr. Edenhofer recently advised the World Bank to divert funds away from helping developing nations advance and into global warming.  Keeping the poor, poor, is not sound economic policy.

CFACT is committed to educating the public and exposing global warming for what it truly is ? a massive redistribution scheme.  This scheme is not designed to strengthen the U.S. economy, but to throttle it down.

One of our CFACT supporters finally had enough and stepped up to sponsor our latest billboard which enabled us to plaster Dr. Edenhofer?s words right outside Denver?s Coors Field (which seats over 50,000).

If you are one of the tens of thousands of people headed over to enjoy a Colorado Rockies game, with the help of CFACT, and one of our special donors, you?ll learn the truth about global warming on your way in ?A truth from the mouth of one of the UN?s arch-warmists themselves.

Sources: Washington Examiner, cfact.org, photo credit: Yogendra174 via photopin cc

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6 hozzászólás

  1. Here are a few articles about the Global Cooling verses Global Warming.-
    ?Global warming stopped in 1998,? says reader F. Guimaraes. ?Then world?s temperatures stabilized for a few years and began to decrease at a rate of ~ minus 0.1 C per decade, and the trend has increased a little after 2008.?

    ?Local weather means almost nothing in terms of global trends. Even the mild winter in the US last year was not an indication of global trend.

    ?The solar radiations, the oceans and air circulation, are the main players in the climate worldwide.

    ?All three of these factors indicate that the climate is cooling.

    ?The GW alarmists like to talk about local climate because the global one is going in the opposite direction of their predictions.?



  2. [Citation needed] for the whole article. I can’t see any reasons listed for what it says about global temperature trends.

    I find it hard to believe that with a 33% rise in CO2 ppm values over the past few decades (putting the carbon dioxide concentration to a level not seen for MILENNIA), one can so easily discard that, while claiming with certainty that the Sun is going to enter a “hybernation period” for the next few decades. Surely we are better at evaluating the past few decades than the future?!?

    There was a “little ice age” in medieval times, with -.6 C cooling or so. Is this going to be bigger? Is there even a precedent for this? If not, how can he know?

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